Friday, August 24, 2007

Very quick update...

Sorry I haven't posted, the start of the semester has been busier than I anticipated for several reasons that you guys don't care or need to hear about. I haven't had time to look at blogs and I'm behind on CR videos again, as my free time I've spent playing. I am interested in having a core blog group though where we can all post on one blog like DodgyKen, Peten2toms, etc are doing. If you want to be that core of 4 guys or so please respond to this post and we'll get it started! Having to go to one blog to look at hands will be much easier for busy people like me. :)

I've been doing well, moving to NL50 6-max soon with a very comfy bankroll...


Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Back and crushing!

I'm in my new place, just getting settled, etc etc! It feels good! I've played a bit the last few days in some odd spots and since making some key adjustments in my game, namely to REALLY tighten up in the first two positions at the table, I've been spewing a lot less and winning at over 12 ptBB/100 for the last 4000 hands or so. So it's been nice!

I'm going to limit my hands to only two hands per post from now on because I think it's hard to really look over and comment on 5 hands or something, so here are two interesting ones:

The turn is a weird spot as I pick up the nut flush draw here but if I bet like I do and the short stack plays his hand correctly and shoves here I have a bad call to make but I hate to stick money in there and fold so is just checking here the best option or did I not play this terribly and get lucky?

I assume preflop and flop is fine here. The turn I pick up a set on a drawy board and fire. Should I value bet the river to try and get a two pair hands to pay me off? Am I getting paid off by much here? If somebody shoves I have to fold? Weird spot.

Thanks guys, good to be back, I hope to post on your blogs ASAP. We also need to get a core group going, so whoever is looking for some regulars to read their blog let me know!


Wednesday, August 1, 2007

Moving day...back in a bit!

Well today my wife and I start our move into our new place. It has been a very busy and crazy summer but that is nearing to a close. I will be back in a week or two once internet is set up at our new place and we're settled in, and will have more time to post on your blogs and get back into the poker groove. Until then, good luck at the tables, thanks for reading and supporting this CR Grinder idea, and we'll see ya soon.
