Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I feel confident and comfortable at the 100NL full ring games but the results are not there yet. I've run really badly which seems to happen after you run well and have a good month, doesn't it? I have also played a few key hands very badly, one where I lost set-over-set and knew I was beat but couldn't let my set go because hey it's a set and you can't fold that, and the other where I had an overpair on a dangerous board where the guy got there on the turn and again I couldn't fold. I feel worse about that hand because at least the other is set over set but each hand I played badly and have nobody to blame but myself.

I also haven't had the chance to play a lot of hands this month, with the semester coming to a close or at least getting to its busy part. So after 10 days I was up a little over four buyins for the month which is pretty good considering how I've run and played at times. But then this weekend I took two more set over sets, lost some big draw vs big made hand type hands, and dropped 2 more buyins at 100NL. Then I played HU and lost another big draw vs overpair hand for another buyin, then tilted off 2 more buyins before stopping. So my month is back to where we started, about even after 12 days.

I need to make some money and get my head right again so I'm going to play 50NL full ring again the rest of this month and in December. I then plan on playing 100NL again in January when I will be able to play a LOT more hands. I know I can beat the level and feel okay at it now, but I also want to win some money this month because poker is my third job so I'm just going to play it safe until next semester and then play 100NL again. The good thing is that I was winning this month and that includes SIX set over set hands where I lost over full buyins, and that's in less than 10,000 hands. (to be fair I had one set over set hand go my way this month, so that nets me at -5) So I know the cards will get better, but I need to play better and not tilt, also, because letting a beat get to you and then tilting off a few more buyins because of it really adds up, as happened to me this weekend.

Anyways, it's the struggles we all go through, and YOU will go through it too, if you already haven't!

Good luck at the tables...and work on not tilting!


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