Friday, July 13, 2007


It's tough not being able to play, and the crappy thing is that even when this week is over my time I'm able to play is still going to be very low until my wife and I complete our move to a new city new duplex by mid August. When mid August comes I'm going to be able to play a LOT and it'll be fun, but right now it's tough sitting on the sidelines waiting to make money and play well.

I've been following the WSOP Main Event a lot, and I REALLY want to play in the Main Event some day, I'm setting a goal of 2009 and hopefully I can make it. I think I'll get the final table on PPV, it's fun to watch with no hole cards.

Hopefully come this weekend or early next week I can get back in the groove of at least playing a BIT and contributing more to your guys' blogs again. Low internet access has been blah.

Keep running hot, I'll join you guys soon. :)



Noel said...

You are the creator and I thank you. I am saddened that you must sit on the sidelines and nurse your injury while we ride this thing to the top. Look forward to you getting better soon.

losbert said...

Hope your back at the tables and contributing to these blogs again soon. Thanks for putting this together, I have certainly learnt alot in the past two weeks.

Its also an ambition of mine to play the Main Event one day. Whether I get there or not is another matter. Might try and qualify next year.

Good luck

PGK said...

Yes I am the CREATOR! Don't forget that! I am GOD! :P

Thanks for posting as always, it is appreciated.