Tuesday, July 3, 2007


I got back yesterday, the trip was fun and now I'm ready to get back and start playing again. I got in short sessions last night and this morning. Yesterday I won a buyin on Bodog that would have been 2 BI had I not misclicked/misplayed a hand, and lost a few bucks on Tilt. This morning I lost a quarter buy in on Bodog and lost about another buyin on Full Tilt. This is 10NL I can't beat on Tilt, but 25NL on Bodog is fine (and the play much less aggressive, lol).

I know I need to just focus and play better on Tilt and maybe it's just too many tables right now and I should cut back to 4 until I get used to it. The hand I lost a buyin on this morning was pretty stupid because I never should have been in the hand in the first place. It was the final orbit before I quit and I had played almost zero hands and was down probably a dollar just from blinds and stuff. Folded to me on the cut off I raise Q6hh to .35 and get one call from the button, a guy that had repopped me from the small blind and played pretty aggressively. The flop came 975 with two hearts. This was clearly a good flop for me with the gutshot and flush draw. I bet out .65 into the pot of .85. He immediately raises to 2.4. If he has just top pair I count 15 outs twice which makes me a favorite as long as he doesn't have Q9 (3 queens, 3 non-heart 8s, 9 hearts), so I shove in and he INSTA and I mean INSTA calls with 89ss. I brick out and I'm down another buyin.

I also played a hand really poorly on Bodog this morning. After the hand I was trying to tell myself "oh you just got cold decked" but I played it awfully, knew I was beat, and didn't lay it down. I had A4o in the BB and it was limped around and I obv checked. Flop comes A84 with two diamonds. SB checks, I lead out pot thinking that anyone at this level with an ace isn't going anywhere, and a bet out actually looks weaker than a check/raise so it's not a bad way to get value and not give any free cards. Folded back to the SB who min check raises. RUH-ROH. I call.

WHY? What hands min check raise at this level? Guys with strong aces at this level, besides likely raising preflop, do not do min check raises. He does not have AK here. So on an A84 flop, my A4 hand to his check raise, unless I have a read on him, is basically the same as AK. The only hands he's doing this with that I can think of are A8, 88, and 44. AA likely raises preflop. In a VERY rare case he has a pair and a diamond draw but that's so unlikely so even though I have a niec two pair hand, against his range of hands, what can I beat? Instead, I called his c/r, called his 2/3 pot turn bet, and the same on the river. A8 beats me, nh sir. UGH I am bad.

I am busy catching up with work stuff now that I'm back but I hope to post a lot on other people's blogs and get this Cardrunners Community thing going that I started for the low limit grinders. I will try to include more details next time but I'm not at my computer so I don't have poker tracker for the hand histories. I thank all who will comment on my hands ahead of time, and look forward to trying to help you out as well.


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