Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Interesting spot from this morning's session...

The last two days have been good, I've won about 3 buyins total on Bodog. I tried to cash out and I couldn't because I cashed in some of my Bodog points for cash and have to earn a certain amount of points before I can cash out. So that's all good, I've made some more money in the meantime. :)

Interesting hand from earlier today...I'm at work so no PT hand history, sorry...I remember it pretty well though. At Bodog 25NL most pots are small preflop as 3 and 4 betting preflop are fairly rare. So I was wondering how to navigate a hand like this:

I have my opponent covered. He has just sat down with $25 and this is his first hand at the table. No history. I get dealth KcKs in the SB and it's folded to me. I raise to .80 and he repops me to $2.10. I know that he has a big hand because people don't do that at this level without a hand, and want to get it all in so I make a big raise to $9 thinking he'll likely shove. Instead he calls. $18 in the pot going to the flop, he has $16 behind.

Flop: Ac8c2x.

What should my line be here? My preflop range for him would be TT-KK, AKs, AKo. If he's crazy he could have AQs or something I suppose. If he has a pair I can get him off the hand (but I'd be ahead so do I want to?), if he has AK he's not going anywhere. But he has less than in the pot in his hand, so an $8 bet and then fold to a shove seems really weak. I hate just shoving blindly. Is checking the best play here? What's the best line?

I check, he checks. Turn comes 9c giving me the nut flush draw. I don't think he'd check behind AK on this flop, he'd probably check AAA behind but that's about it that beats me. Is it time for a value bet of $8ish here? More?

Any thoughts are welcome, thanks.


Gregory Lynn said...

I'd have put him all in on the flop and I certainly wouldn't let the turn go by without sticking it in there.

DODGYKEN said...

On the turn I'd definitely bet. You could shove or you could bet around $12 and obviously call a raise.

The flop is an interesting spot. I think he'd shove AA pre-flop. He might shove AK pre-flop too but it's definitely in his range for calling your 4-bet. I would put him on a range of AK, AQ, QQ-66 and maybe some hands like JTs. I think I probably just bet this. It's up to you whether you bet $16 or less, but if you bet less you're probably going to have to call a raise from him.

One other thing I'd say is that it's not worth worrying about shoving him off lower pairs. The pot is big already so you should be happy enough to take it down there and then. Don't try to get tricky to get him to put his money in with a worse pair.

Noel said...

These are the kind of spots where I sometimes will decide before the flop ever comes that its going in the middle. It looks like you have half his stack in the middle and he is most likely committed preflop. Otherwise if you dont take this mind set you have to shutdown on any A high flop. Interesting that he checks behind on the flop. Obviously time to bet turn and possibly get payed off by QQ or split it with KK. Villians call 4bet range has to be real small but you never know when you play micro.

One last thing, I agree with Dwarrior in that at this point extracting more value isnt a major worry for me anymore.

losbert said...

I would tend to agree with the other comments here, you certainly need to bet out on the turn if not the flop. I know the Ace is an issue here but I think you are both possibly pot committed.

AppleSeed2082 said...

Tricky spot. I would just bet $9 and fold to a raise because you have no read on him. He's probably not going to re raise you without the Ace, so you would be drawing to 2 outs or running flush.

If you check and he bets the flop, what are you going to do? This allows him to bluff you off the best hand.

As played, I would bet the turn and call his raise. If your behind, your drawing to at least 11 outs.