Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Theory discussion: Small Pairs in the Blinds (and a quick update)

I played just under an hour this morning and aside from ONE HAND the entire session I was really pleased with my play. But it's getting bad when I make one big decision that's a poor one in one hand and it changes your entire session. In this hand I played AA too fast and ran into a set and got stacked on Bodog 25NL. I came back and ended up even for the session. On Full Tilt I played on a CR 10NL table for the first time and did very well, ending up a buyin on that table...unfortunately on the other table I played my AA lost to JJ AIPF so I ended up even on Full Tilt as well. So it's frustrating the results aren't quite there, but I'm happy with my play other than the AA hand, which I'm sure I will post here sooner or later. It's just a really bad spot I put myself in in a multiway pot with a guy left to act behind me.

Anyways, I wanted to add some "theory" posts to this blog as well to get people talking. My theory subject today is playing small pairs out of the blinds. I remember in Daut's CR video he talked about how he mostly folds small pairs out of the blinds because it's so hard to get paid of OOP to justify the all the times you miss your set and check/fold. So how do you guys usually play these situations with a pair like 22-55: (assume opponent is weak/average)

1) Opponent raises UTG in EP and you know he is likely quite strong. Do you call here to set mine OOP? If you hit your set how do you play it?

2) Opponent who raises button 90% of the time when it's folded to him raises on the button and you have a small pair in the SB. Just fold? Smooth call? Repop and play aggressively post flop by firing on any board?

3) Multiway limped pot, you have a small pair in SB. Complete and go for the set, I assume?


Noel said...

As for the mod, download and save it your computer. Then you have to open up your program files via your hard drive. In there you will find the Absolute poker file. Open this up and locate te data file. Change the name of the data file and then take the data file you downloaded and paste it into the absolute file. Then you take the data file whos name you changed and copy and paste it right into the new one you just added. That should get the trick done. Sounds super hard but it is easy. If you want I can help via AIM or skype.

As for small PP. Until I saw that vid I was a set mining fool. My strategy is a little different now. Basically as you stated I set mine if I know a NIT opened UTG and almost always lead if I hit. Agg button raises I usually 3bet here and look to take it down post flop with a cbet or trap him with my set if he decided to slow play a monster. And in multi limp pots I usually complete unless I have been super nitty that session. Again I like to lead when I hit ad I too lead when I flop draws therefore it isnt easy to put me on a monster just yet.

Anonymous said...

1: I call and lead with my set when I hit, I also lead any dry flop or draw in this spot.

2: Against this player, I raise ANY hand including pairs that I would normally raise with from MP and Cbet most flops....hands like QJs or better and small pairs.

3: I raise here, but larger than pot as I do anytime I raise from the blind. I do a pot bet plus 1 or 2 BB depending on how many have limped. This may be stake dependent though, this works well at 100 and 200nl, but higher and lower I think it may not be as good of a play.

DODGYKEN said...

Situation 1: I'd call this and set-mine. Against some opponents I might call a bet on the flop or check-raise if I think they'll fold. Mostly though I'm just looking for my set.

Sit 2: This is trickier. For me it depends on how often he calls 3-bets. Against a 20/16 type I'll be 3-betting with my small pair and C-betting any flop for 1/2 - 2/3 pot. Against a 35/20 type I might call if they're too aggressive post-flop and, if I hit, I'll be letting them do most of the betting. I'd probably be calling the rest of the time rather than folding.

Sit 3: Limp along.

Graham said...

1) Generally call and set mine, especially against a standard TAG. Leading or check/raising are both fine, depending on how often he c-bets.

2)If he's the kind of player who'll call re-raises liberally, I think folding here is good, unless he goes too far with hands on the flop. If he'll fold to re-raises or give up on a lot of flops, raising is fine here.

3) Alternate between limping and raising. It depends on opponents stacks and such though.

DWarrior said...

I think as stakes get higher, set mining loses value. It's a combination of opponents having wider ranges and being better post-flop. I think you can profitably set mine PPs almost always.

1: set mine, then either c/r or lead depending on his c-bet % and the board.

2: I don't know about 3-betting, but I think what others have said makes sense. If he'll call liberally anyway, then you probably have value to set mine because if you hit you can just let him bet the hand and try to bluff you the whole way.

3: At these stakes it's probably best to just limp along, as 1 or 2 people will probably call you anyway, but I guess it's close.